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Posts tagged ‘Seminar’

Would you believe it?

Would you believe it – I didn’t know that it was Alan Rickman that was playing the part of Severus Snape in Harry Potter until I saw “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince“, I then researched Alan’s work on the Internet.  There is some amazing videos and art work on the Internet created by fans.  I set up a Google Alert for #AlanRickman and created this paper  I use my Twitter @Awesomecntr, today’s paper also has #media

I connected to Severus Snape on Google +  Alan Rickman has  moved on to star in a Broadway Play called Seminar.

I couldn’t resist to take a snap and post to my Flickr Account, I only have a free account – but it allows you to post your picture against your postcode.

I am now using an IPhone4 and I find this so useful for posting pictures to my Social Media accounts.   I went to a Networking event in Eastbourne on Thursday and took a photo and I sent it to my Twitter using the #Hashtag #TheConnector and #photo and and on my paper

I voted for the in the Mashable – Up and Coming Social Media Service, I have found this application to be very powerful.

I have worked hard this week with interaction on my Twitter Accounts and it has paid off as I now no9 on Social Chiefs and my Klout Score has risen to 53.  I am working on raising all my Twitter Accounts on Klout.